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Everything posted by Pliskin

  1. No this is inaccurate there is no way that many SWAT would be there!
  2. -1 Support RudeShort temperedDoes not deserve staff rank
  3. Pliskin

    CW 2.0

    They would get the CW variant of the guns they paid for
  4. Pliskin

    CW 2.0

    Before you write -support without reading it, I really think this can improve the server and this does not cause any more lag than TFA. What you want to see? - TFA Weapons replaced with CW 2.0 Weapons Why should we add it? - I feel this will add more realism to the server by allowing tactical units to customize their weaponry to have a fore-grip and laser sight like they do in real life. Obviously criminals will also have access to being able to customize weaponry as well so don't feel left out you bad men. While this is good you are probably asking what about overpowered/unfair attachments such as the grenade launcher? Will they be used? The answer to that is no. Those will be disabled for quite obvious reasons. But we also don't want low ranking PD to have unrealistic weapons so for ranks up to Sergeant all attachments will be disabled for PD. Most if not all weapons that we currently have are in CW 2.0 already so we do not have to worry about losing our beloved weapons in that regard. CW 2.0 does not cause lag so do not worry about lag problems with it. What are the advantages of having this? - Realism, variety in weapons Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=349050451
  5. +1 Support More RP for injuriesMore realistic sniping
  6. Anywhere that actually has jobs available. (my town has no jobs)
  7. -1 Support Evidence is insufficient as we do not know if he respawned or if he just got out of court.You cannot remove a family because of one member's actions as he is not the owner.You just sound upset about him for personal reasons no offence.
  8. What you want to see? - President being renamed to Governor or Mayor, along with model change Why should we add it? - In real life the President does not live in Illinois, so I propose that we rename the job of president to either Mayor or Governor. With this in real life Secret Service protect both Mayors and Governors so it will still be realistic in that regard. Also I sugest we change the model to accommodate this which is shown below! What are the advantages of having this? - Realism Who is it mainly for? - Everyone Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1138723181&searchtext=mayor
  9. Department heads talk in TS a lot about things involving eachothers departments But you wrote this: You are contradicting yourself and this idea is not necessary in anyway as PD high command usually communicate with the departments...
  10. Ok lemme just say something if the "crashing" is the game freezing it happens to me too just do not close the game out until it load. The reason it happens is because it is too much for your computer to handle both loading the communications and the loading screen at the same time so by freezing the game it saves your computer resources to ensure your entire OS does not crash. Try reconnecting and if the game freezes just wait the amount of time it normally takes to load in do not close the game when it gives you the option to close or wait just wait!
  11. -1 Support These people would have to learn to train for the 10+ departments we haveMost departments would not want to have some other department training their OfficersCommand talk with other departments every dayDo we need this? Is this something that will improve the departments? Not really. Let the Department command and FTO's do their job instead of giving it to "selected people".
  12. -1 Support Any staff rank above yours is allowed to warn ranks below them without permission from SA+ which has been stated by SMT though they prefer you do not.No evidence supporting his claim
  13. -1 Support Inactive (from what others have told me)Only been SM for a weekNot ready
  14. Pliskin

    Adding petrol

    +1 Support Criminals can run out of gas during pursuits as well as PD which adds more RP to the serverAlready in the server but not turned onNo lag causedGood Idea to have
  15. Hey guys. I recently learned I have officially been a member of Gaminglight for one year now! But I realised I never made an introduction. Welp might as well start now. I am 18 years of age though I sound younger as puberty actually hit later for me. Live in a very small town in NY ironic I know. I am a certified Computer Technician. I had 4 wisdom teeth removed on my birthday (thanks mom). I am a Super Admin on PoliceRP and am going to hit my one year anniversary for when I first joined SWAT in June. Currently a Master Sergeant on the SWAT Team. My town has nothing to do in it (which is why I am on here all the time), also nobody hires around here. I do not plan on going to college as my career does not require it. I do not have any social media unless you count the forums. Lastly this has been a good year on PRP and I hope for many more!
  16. Your one week notice has been marked, however you must remain active on SWAT until 4/25/18. Just because you are leaving does not mean you stop going on duty. This includes attendance in all meetings and trainings. On 4/25 you must speak with admin+ to get your whitelists fully removed. You must also have support staff remove your TS tag.
  17. Can we stop replying to this thread You are supposed to PM me if you cannot attend not reply to the thread
  18. SWAT Meeting Thursday 4/19/18 On Thursday, 4/17/18, there will be a mandatory meeting at 4PM for SWAT! We will be discussing recent events. We will also have optional training afterward. If you are unable to attend please PM myself or Myan. Master Sergeant Pliskin
  19. Already been removed for inactivity.
  20. Admin Rank cannot see reports therefore unable to do job effectively
  21. Pliskin

    Radio in cars

    If you want to listen to music just have a music station open in another application in the background. I do not see why we "absolutely need" this in the server other than aesthetics which IMO is unnecessary and just more content for a player to download and longer to log in.
  22. So you are saying that staff that are being falsely accused should be able to be seen by everyone because I have seen people's reputation in the community ruined for being reported for the smallest reason or a false reason. Plus 90% of responses are biased anyway, I cannot tell you how many times I am in TS to hear "Yo ____ just got reported everyone +support it to get him out of staff screw that guy!" So making it private will leave all parties from having their reputations ruined. Lastly most of the recent staff reports have turned into flame wars anyway so if we cannot act mature when reporting somebody we should leave the decision to SMT instead of the biased members.
  23. +1 Support Known minge within the communityCalled a PD Stupid (using a more SFW word her you can fill in the blanks) when he drove away which is blatant player disrespect (separate situation)Calls staff stupid (again using a better word to not curse) when a sit does not go his wayHonestly he is ruining the community and needs to be banned to avoid future problems!
  24. What you want to see? - Staff reports only able to be seen by the people whom made it and HOS+ Why should we add it? - I know this has been brought up in staff meetings but, lately people have be reporting other staff for somewhat dumb reasons and has used as a smear campaign against staff so they do not get promoted and/or increasing their chance of being promoted since the other staff's trust/overall reputation is ruined by them even if they are denied, I feel this needs to stop and the only way to fix this at this point is to implement this... What are the advantages of having this? - Staff not abusing staff reports for selfish reasons. Who is it mainly for? - Staff Links to any content N/A
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