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When People dont understand


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My Keyboard turned off and Tom decides to arrest me because of it my car got stuck when it got unstuck it sped off in random directions it then got stuck I was battering rammed out and arrested 

whilst this was all happening I explained my situation and how I needed to restart my computer obviously he doesn't understand that computers have faults and arrests me for it making me wait for ages to restart my pc clearly quite a bad RPer because he cant even understand when someone has an issue first he arrests me because I drove away from shots fired at me then he arrests me for my keyboard lagging out Good job tom...


Love u man but u need to understand that it wasn't my fault xD

Edited by Bambob01
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On 12/3/2018 at 8:49 AM, Cole Phelps said:

not gonna lie but,


prolly would have given you a fine


cause I’m a State trooper

and it’s a sin if I give out warnings

I like state pulling me over more than ARU ?

also I remember my keyboard glitched out a little bit or something and my car was doing donuts during a traffic stop lmao I got arrested after 

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