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Search and Rescue Teams


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What you want to see? -  I want to see either a new department or a sub division/department in either the PD or in state troopers  the would patrol either via land and a small amount of highly trained people that would fly around via air. There would be 2 teams of 6 people in an air team, Team Alpha an Team Bravo. the ranks would be as followed:


Commander/ Director

Co-Commander/Deputy Director


Team Lead (2| one for air, one for ground)

Captain (2 for air, 3 for regular)










Basic Patrol Unit(BPU)


This is just an idea,  am always open to suggestions so please say them if you have them, dont just put "- Support (reason)" or "+/- Support (reason)" Try to add on to the idea and help it grow!

Why should we add it? -  We should add it to help Government find BOLOs and AMBERs(missing persons alerts) on a suspects vehicle so that it makes finding someone easier, because it lets PD do traffic sops and same with state trooper, and this team of more el

What are the advantages of having this? - it adds a whole new layer to RP because most LEOs would have a search and rescue team, especially in a city.

Who is it mainly for? - Government

Links to any content -  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=854861949 (PM me if it doesn't work)

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EMS practically search and then rescue people.

We don't need an entire department with planes, teams and tactical training to find a couple of lost new guys on the server. Besides, think of what could happen if you even give the most trusted member a plane.

(*Heard a giant explosion in the background to see a cadet blew up spawn with a stolen plane*)

It's not gonna work

Retired Deputy Commissioner Bob Bob 1K51


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