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[ASG] Muggs

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Everything posted by [ASG] Muggs

  1. Job: Royal Guard Cadet Report: I was on the server I can’t switch to Royal Guard Cadet I brought Royal Guard package and patron awhile ago before anything new Map, Rule, and new RG Playermodel and Beckett was darth Vader and campbell was grand inquisitor I was on my CC Imperial Shadow Guard I got two people told can’t be on my CC Imperial Shadow Guard because I want on the roaster in awhile ago and I wasn’t on for months ago because i resigned. Here is proof of Royal Guard package: Here proof I resigned:
  2. Reminder: Coronavirus is new to everyone from USA, UK, China, Japan, Russia, Italy, France, ETC. plus, getting much worst before getting better and some healthier and younger people don’t know they have coronavirus because They don’t show symptoms of coronavirus and they can infect people. We going to warmer weather no one know what coronavirus to do in some part of world and USA. you can see any symptoms of coronavirus within 4 days to 14 days (2 weeks). CDC and WHO think the virus last long to 8 weeks (3 months) plus, USA two weeks behind Italy and Spain to control the virus.
  3. In-Game Name: Sovereign Ved Kennede (Holo) SteamID: STEAM_0:0:79629652 Rank: sovereign Protector Reason for leaving: Life and job got in the way, I got 3 custom classes on the server for maintenance. Do you agree to stay active for 48 hours after this post? I will agree to stay active for 48 hours. After 48 hours I will be on the server for 3 days a week for my 3 custom jobs and on my Custom Class. Chombos (Myn) take my place and zero (frost) be 2nd command of RG.
  4. -/+ Support I got 3 Custom Classes imperial Super Commando, Imperial Shadow Guard, and Sith Warriors.
  5. +support -Janitor Job don’t Ruin RP for other people on the server if anyone(EX SMT) on janitor job breaking server’s rules, Minging, FailRP, ETC. some old and new people might leave the server/community because of some EX-SMT is minging, FailRP, etc on it. So think about it do you guys want server/community keep growing Players count and don’t have mingy people or fall down in players count and do have mingy people on the server. -some EX SMT can be janitor and don’t ruin RP for other like janitor Beve because he is best of janitor than, Janitor Alac. Alac try to ruin RP for other, RDM, Break server Rules, ETC. other hand Beve try to RP, don’t RDM, Don’t break server rules, ETC. -EX SMT should get Janitor job awarded for mature not immature
  6. Accepted Welcome to the team of Sovereign Protector Message from Sovereign Protector Ved Kennede (Holo)
  7. Plus, janitor be ruin RP for all members on the server. members, Gamemaster, staff, and user follow server rules. Why let janitor (ex smt+) do whatever they want like RDM, break Server rules, minge, etc. If any members, new players, staffs/GM do those thing we get warns, kick, ban or perm ban. Janitor (ex smt+) Don’t have right do minge, break server rule, RDM, etc). They should be serious RP like we do.
  8. What do you want to see? - new player model for royal guard and pistol Why should we add it? - those models taller and cleaner than we got for royal guard now What are the advantages of having this? - those models can let you to remove rope during in dueling or in battle. In lore royal guard got heavy pistol and they can remove rope in the duel. Who is it mainly for? - Royal Guard Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1625902421 Job Name: Imperial Sovereign Protector Model Path: models/carnor_jax.mdl Weapon Kit: rw_sw_scoutblaster Health: Keep HP Armor: 200 Armor Job Name: Imperial Senior Guard Model Path: models/shadow_guard.mdl Weapon Kit: rw_sw_scoutblaster Health: Keep HP Armor: 150 Armor Job Name: Imperial Royal Guard Model Path: models/kir_kanos.mdl Weapon Kit: rw_sw_scoutblaster Health: keep HP Armor: 50 Armor Job Name: Imperial Royal Cadet Model Path: models/kir_kanos.mdl Weapon Kit: rw_sw_scoutblaster Health: Keep HP Armor: 0 Armor by: Sovereign Protector Kennede
  9. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Shadow Guard Holo/Royal Guard Holo  2. Why do you want to be a Sovereign Protector of this branch? I want to be a sovereign protector is to help anyone in Royal Guard need it. I will train new person is cadet in royal guard to follow rules. I will do training with any royal guards is on the server like formations, duel, and force.  3. What Level are you currently?: My level is 19  4. What is the Main Purpose of a Soveriegn Protector for a branch? (100 Words): Main purpose for having sovereign protector is to lead, command, and train royal guards. Sovereign Protector is third command of royal guard under darth Vader and emperor palpatine. They using training new Royal Guard Cadet to be fully royal guard. Only the best of the elite Emperor's Royal Guard were specially chosen to become Sovereign Protectors to lead royal guard and they are champion. They directly answered to the Emperor alone. 5. Why should I trust you to be a Soveriegn Protector? (150 Words) You should trust me to be a sovereign Protector because I will make royal guard be great at their job and do some training like formation on VIP or guard a room. Every weeks I will do training for old and new royal guard in dueling, use force, and guarding VIP right way. Do any events if there a Jedis or holocrons i will let Royal guards to guard holocrons until any inquisitors come to get it. If a Jedi surrender to royal guards. They will guard jedi and wait for inquisitor to take jedi. If event on the ship and Jedi in brig let two royal guards to guards the cell Jedi in unless inquisitor question the Jedi. 6. What is your Lore Knowledge? from 1-10: 9/10 7. Explain your Lore Knowledge 1. Royal Guard Cadets need duel to death to be fully royal guard when Sovereign Protector, emperor palpatine or darth Vader watch them duel. 2. Royal guard could talk to each other in their own language. 3. Shadow Guard is elite in royal guard and protect lord Vader or they send on a mission to found jedi and kill them. 10. How often can you be Online? : 5 out of 7 days I be on the server because I got a jobs or do stuff in life.
  10. [ASG]  Muggs

    The accuracy

    You guys are both wrong men want to dress as
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