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  1. Atlas Uprising ftw?!

  2. The General Club is about members generally in the community, that are active in one of the servers.
  3. Your In-game: SRT CPL Mal 1V05 Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:111018925 The player's name in-game: Chief Bleef The player's steam name (If you know it):YungKushLungs What did the player do: Threaten that if he saw me irl he would kill me Evidence (REQUIRED): https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/912424279476065359/7D8F117ED30AF2ADF66E4B65381F440B442E6B24/ What do you believe should happen to the player: Idk, whatever you feel is necessary. Any extra information: His Steam ID is STEAM_0:0:156064490
  4. Hope everyone is having a great day.
  5. Mal


    -Support not enough effort
  6. + support Decent activity Very detailed app Good personality
  7. Butters has been banned from SWRP
  8. Good family was started on 6/2/2018, we wanted good management of a non mingy family. So we made the Good Family. Public Roster - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yUfngM7HRF0h7InKQg5rvdJL1TpFYcdvRjf5xihMu9I/edit?usp=sharing Application Link - https://goo.gl/forms/aIPFalx80mcJZGAo2
  9. Commands List: Bitcoin (Sell | Info) Mining (Start | Stop) Info Color (Gray | Pink | Green | Red | Orange | Blue | Default) Help Upgrade (1 - $2000 | 2 - $50000) Clear Status Youtube Tutorial -
  10. I was afk doing stuff with my family. I had no access to my computer. My bad.
  11. - Support Prop ClimbedWho would climb up there just to get the printers and know the exact locationThe printers would have blown up unless YOU tampered with themYour a minge in game, you only have a malicious intent to staff members who were just trying to help a player.Changed the story
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